dei film d'azione moderni, e' stato definito l'ottava meraviglia del mondo per la perfezione
della sua struttura fisica, il mentore di tutti i bodybuilders,
protagonista di colossal cinematografici che rimarranno
immortali come Conan, Terminator, Commando,
Predator, tutti nel nome di un solo mito: Schwarzy!
Schwarzenegger è sempre stato simbolo di virilità
e devastante forza fisica. Nato in Austria il 30
Luglio 1947 a Thal in un paesino a pochi
chilometri da Graz (lo stadio della città è
dedicato a lui), inizia presto la sua carriera di
bodybuilder ponendosi come obiettivo di vincere al
più presto il titolo di Mr.Universo. Inizia ad allenarsi
strenuamente nel garage di casa sua, trasformato per
l'occasione in palestra, nel `61 conosce Kurt Marnul,
ex Mr. Austria, che gli propone di allenarsi all`Atletic
Union di Graz; inizia così la gloriosa carriera
del più grande culturista di tutti i tempi, prima
come Mister Europa junior, poi a soli 20 anni (il
più giovane in assoluto) come Mr.Universo. Nel `68
decide di cercare fortuna oltreoceano e si trasferisce
a Santa Monica, viene assunto come carpentiere e gareggia
per Mr. Universo contro il suo idolo Reg Park (vincendo
ancora), e ottiene anche un ruolo per il suo primo
film Ercole a New York, dopo essere stato scartato
per la serie tv sull`incredibile Hulk della Marvel perché non sufficientemente alto, telefilm
cult che ha reso famoso il suo amico Lou Ferrigno.
Gli anni `70 vedono i suoi strepitosi trionfi nel
campo sportivo, con ben 6 titoli di Mr. Olympia
(il settimo titolo lo conquista nel
1980), ma anche alcune grandi sofferenze personali
come la perdita del fratello in un incidente stradale
e poco dopo quella del padre. Nel `78 durante gli
incontri di tennis di Forest Hills conosce Maria Shriver,
una nipote dei Kennedy, che poi sposa nel 1986, mentre
nel `79 si laurea in economia e marketing all`Università
del Wisconsin.
Ormai superati i trent`anni decide di dedicarsi al
cinema a tempo pieno: Arnold si afferma come eroe
dei film d'azione grazie ai due film sul mitico Conan
e soprattutto Terminator di James Cameron,
un vero capolavoro di fantascienza. Nel 1983 diventa
cittadino americano e inizia a dedicarsi anche a commedie
di ottima fattura come I gemelli. Fonda la
sfortunata catena dei Planet Hollywood con Stallone,
Bruce Willis e Demi Moore. Negli anni `90 è protagonista
dello spettacolare sequel Terminator 2: Judgment
Day, gira inoltre True lies sempre diretto
da Cameron. Arnold ha deciso di rimandare la sua carriera
politica (nel futuro del possente attore c'è la candidatura
a governatore della California come rappresentante
dei repubblicani) per regalarci ancora tanto spettacolo
e tante emozioni: Terminator 3, True Lies
2 e King Conan saranno gli ultimi omaggi
ai suoi milioni di fans in tutto il mondo? Il
19 settembre in tutte le sale italiane ritorna
nei mitici panni del cyborg T-800 (T-850) nel colossal
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines.
The Kid & I (2005) - Arnold Schwarzenegger
Around the World in 80 Days (2004) - Prince Hapi
Terminator 3: Rise of
the Machines (2003) - T-850
Liberty's Kids
(2002) TV Series - Baron von Steuben
Collateral Damage
(2002) - Gordy Brewer
6th Day, The
(2000) - Adam Gibson
End of Days
(1999) - Jericho Cane
Batman & Robin
(1997) - Mr. Freeze/Dr. Victor Fries
T2 3-D: Battle Across
Time (1996) - T-800
Jingle All the Way
(1996) - Howard 'Howie' Langston
(1996) - U.S. Marshal John 'The Eraser' Kruger
Beretta's Island
(1994) - Himself
(1994) - Dr. Alex Hesse
True Lies
(1994) - Harry Tasker
Last Action Hero
(1993) - Jack Slater/Himself
(1993) - Himself
(1992) (TV) (voice) - John G. Nicolay
(1992) - Himself
Christmas in Connecticut
(1992) (TV)
Naked Hollywood
(1991) (mini) TV Series - Himself
Terminator 2: Judgment
Day (1991) - T-800
Kindergarten Cop
(1990) - Detective John Kimble
Total Recall
(1990) - Douglas Quaid
(1988) - Julius Benedict
Red Heat
(1988) - Captain Ivan Danko
Running Man, The
(1987) - Ben Richards
(1987) - Major Alan 'Dutch' Schaefer
Raw Deal
(1986) - Mark Kaminsky / Joseph P. Brenner
(1985) - Colonel John Matrix
Red Sonja
(1985) - Kalidor
Terminator, The
(1984) - T-800
Conan the Destroyer
(1984) - Conan
Conan the Barbarian
(1982) - Conan
Scavenger Hunt
(1979) - Lars, Gym Instructor
Villain, The
(1979) - Handsome Stranger
Pumping Iron
(1977) - Himself
Stay Hungry
(1976) - Joe Santo
Long Goodbye, The
(1973) - One of Augustine's Hoods
Hercules in New York
(1970) - Hercules
Arnold Schwarzenegger
is certainly a name we won't soon forget. This bodybuilding
champion has the biceps and the brains to take him
a long way from his native home of Austria. His thrive
for success in everything he undertakes has brought
him to where he is today, ever since he crossed the
ocean to the US to take part in the 1968 Mr. Universe
competition. Born on July 30, 1947 in Graz, Austria,
Schwarzenegger was raised with strict rules and morals
instilled by his parents. The second son of a police
officer in his native town, his childhood was a very
difficult one and the building block for his character
today. The beginning of his bodybuilding career began
when he wanted to join the soccer team. He began lifting
weights, and his destiny was already starting to pan
out. He later joined the Austrian army at 18 in order
to follow his strict diet. His stay was very short
as he went AWOL to take part in the Mr. Junior
Europe competition, which he won by the way.
And so a legend was born. Schwarzenegger started piling
up professional titles and later went on to win the
International Powerlifting Championship
before he made the move to the US in 1968. After winning
Mr. Universe as an amateur and a
professional, he was gradually becoming the talk of
the weightlifting
industry. This launched his weightlifting career and
he won six consecutive Mr. Olympia titles
from 1970 to 1975. He had pretty much realized
his dream of becoming the best-built man in
the world. He temporarily ceased competing
as he felt he "wasn't giving others a chance
to win." His first role in a motion picture was
for the movie Hercules Goes to New York in 1970, which later landed him an appearance on the
"The Merv Griffin Show". A short-lived venture
into show business led him to start a construction
company with his bodybuilder friend Franco Columbu.
The profits were going to fund a mail-order business
of fitness material such as books and cassettes. Driven
by his passion to be taken seriously and be wealthy,
he managed to obtain a correspondence degree in business
and international economics from the University of
Wisconsin. His constant inflow of money allowed him
to live the life of a superstar even before his bodybuilding
documentary Pumping Iron came out
in 1977. His rise to wealth brought him to invest
in real estate, where he was living comfortably in
a $200,000 home on the West Coast. Schwarzenegger
won a Golden Globe for Best New Actor
in the 1975 movie Stay Hungry. His
acting career didn't take off, however, until he obtained
the lead role in Conan the Barbarian
in 1982. His most memorable and career launching role
came with The Terminator in 1982
with director James Cameron. This sci-fi flick presented
Schwarzenegger as a cold-hearted cyber killer. His
following movies were also box office champs: Commando
(1985), Total Recall (1990), Twins
(1988), and Kindergarten Cop (1990).
His personal life also turned out to be a success.
After dating Maria Shriver for eight years, they finally
got married in 1986. Niece to former president John
F. Kennedy and therefore part of the Kennedy legacy,
Maria had now brought an avid Republican to the forefront.
Schwarzenegger was often seen alongside president
George Bush during his administration, as Chairman
of the President's Council on Sports and Fitness.
Terminator 2: Judgment Day, made its presence
felt in theaters when it was released in 1991, which
turned out to be one of his most commercial successes
to date. One of the most respected actors in Hollywood,
Arnold is now in the comfortable position of being
able to select the projects he wants to partake in.
Taking up the director's chair is also a potential
goal in the near future for this man who made his
American Dream come true.